Pre-K / Child Development (CD) Application
The CCSD Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K)/Child Development (CD) application process opened on January 23, 2024.
CLICK HERE to view the CCSD information page and to acces the application.
About Pre-K/CD
- CCSD offers (limited) Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K)/Child Development (CD) programs for students who reside in Charleston County and will be four years old by September 1st.
- When applying for CCSD Pre-K program, it is for the child’s zoned school.
- The program is designed to develop skills necessary for success in Kindergarten.
- Pre-K/CD is a full-day program. The schedule for Whitesides' Pre-K/CD program is 7:25 am to 2:05 pm.
- Kalediscope (after school program) is not available for CD students.
- Application Link
- The CCSD-Pre-K/CD application process opens on January 23, 2024 2024-25 school year.
- The first round of qualification /waitlist notifications will happen by June 7, 2024.
- The second round of qualification / waitlist notifications will happen by August 7, 2024.
- The following documents will need to be uploaded with the online application:
Child’s Birth Certificate
Child’s IEP (if the child has one)
Medicaid Card
CLICK HERE to access CCSD's Pre-K/CD webpage for additional information, important dates, FAQ's, etc.
For general questions about Pre-K/CD, call (843) 937-7914 or email
For information and questions specific to Whitesides, please contact Stacey Newton at (843) 849-2838 or